Congratulations on your amazing experimentation!

Thank you so much for taking part in 4x4x4. Below is the final report, where you can share more about what happened, what you learned, and what you’re thinking about moving forward.

(If there’s anything you wrote in your weekly reflections that fit as answers here, feel free to copy and paste.)

4x4x4 in 2024: Final Report
Share in just a sentence or two what you wanted to test, where, and why, as if to a reader who’s never heard about it before.
Over the course of four weeks, where, when, and how did you test?
Since this was all about trying and learning, what are four top things you learned from all that you did?
These can include things you thought would work and didn’t, things you didn’t think would work and did, specific moments, greater takeaways, glorious failures, etc.
This can mean continuing to work on these specific projects, but even more broadly, how are the lessons applicable across civic engagement endeavors?

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You can upload here and/or put a link where you’ve collected them above.

Let’s Reflect

We asked you these questions at the start of the experiment, and now we’re asking you at the end.
How do you feel about experimentation in your post-4x4x4 voting work? Check all that apply.

Let’s Share Stats

There are no right or wrong answers here! We just like to gather these metrics for all Unstoppable Voters projects.
You can define this any way you’d like.

Tell us about ourselves

Giving $500 specifically for documentation was an experiment for us! We want a sense of if it had an impact or not, and we welcome your honesty!