To achieve our mission, we provide a suite of free resources to those using their creativity to make the world a better place. Feel free to use and share as our material is Creative Commons licensed.


Our co-founders have published several books on Artistic Activism. We negotiated with our publishers as best we could, and yet: some of these books are not free. However, we did make them as affordable as possible!

The Art of Activism Book
The Art of Activism: Your All Purpose Guide to Making the Impossible Possible

Stephen Duncombe & Steve Lambert

Written for beginners and masters alike, a great place to begin.

Unstoppable Voters Creative Campaign Toolkit Cover
Unleashing Creative Campaign Toolkit Cover
Desencadenando Votantes Imparables Cover

Books by Stephen Duncombe

Æffect: The Affect and Effect of Artistic Activism
The Activist Angler
Dream or Nightmare: Re-imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy

Tools from our trainings

Inspiration and insights from experienced artistic activists

Understand why and how artistic activism works

Looking for more?

For more help, browse our Training, Advising, and Research.

And of course, get all this in your inbox by signing up for our newsletter.

Or, sit back and watch this video:

The Stream - Art and activism: Part 2
The Center for Artistic Activism’s Steve Lambert on Al Jazeera