Two all-purpose toolkits to guide you in building and implementing creative campaigns

We’ve taken our decades’ long experience working with activists across the U.S. and all over the world and collected it into two toolkits full of activism gold: — and we’ve now translated one of them into Spanish, too!

Unleashing Unstoppable Voters

Unleashing Unstoppable Voters is for people working to support civic engagement, voting and voters, and pro-democracy efforts around the world

Unleashing Creative Campaigns

Unleashing Creative Campaigns is for those working to advance social justice across a wide variety of sectors

Desencadenando Votantes Imparables

Desencadenando Votantes Imparables is our Unleashing Unstoppable Voters toolkit translated into Spanish, for Spanish-speaking and -serving voting champions.

Each toolkit has exercises, tools, case studies, and more to help you move forward throughout your campaign process.

You can read through it front to back or use it when you and your team need some extra inspiration or if you’re facing challenges during a particular moment in your campaign.

Unleashing Unstoppable Voters: Creative Campaign Toolkit

Peek inside the toolkits

Download the Toolkits

We are pleased to provide these toolkits as free PDF downloads. Enter your information below to receive an email with your download link.

We also have a limited number of printed copies of Unleashing Unstoppable Voters available. Reach out to us if you’d like one!

Download Link – Multiple Kits w Spanish

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Looking for more resources?

The Center for Artistic Activism offers additional online resources here. We have a book The Art of Activism: Your All Purpose Guide to Making the Impossible Possible and accompanying workbook, along with research, tools for evaluation and assessment, and quick tips to inspire and improve your work and our world.