Revolutionizing Activism Prospective Panelist Sign-up Form

You’ve come to this form because you’re interested in taking part in our global online series about creative activism. You’ll find info about the series below, and the form itself.

Revolutionizing Activism: Lessons from the Creative Edges of Global Activism

Revolutionizing Activism is the Center for Artistic Activism’s dynamic online discussion series between advocates, activists, grantmakers, journalists, and artists. The series begins in October 2021. Those working at the forefront of advocacy challenges around the world must find innovative and creative ways to tackle them. Go deep with practitioners to understand what’s new, what’s working, and what we can learn for our own work. Hosted by the Center for Artistic Activism and featuring creative advocacy practitioners from countries across the globe. 

Kicking Corruption is the first in the series. We’re looking for creative activists who want to share lessons from their work on anti-corruption. 

Radicalizing the Remote will be the second in the series. We’re looking for creative activists who have found new ways to work successfully online to plan and implement actions.

Fill out the form below by September 30th, and we’ll be in touch soon after.

Revolutionizing Activism Sign-Up – English

In a few sentences, briefly tell us:

Are you available the following times? Check the ones when you are: