I’m Rubber, You’re Glue …

by Jonathan Alter Published Aug 23, 2008 From Newsweek magazine issue dated Sep 1, 2008 It’s hard to predict what will stick. ‘It’s the economy, stupid’ was a hand-scrawled sign hung in Little Rock. When NEWSWEEK reported earlier this summer that the McCain family owns at least seven houses, few outside the hothouse of politics …

The New York Times: Street Maps in Political Hues

This is an old Eyebeam R&D Project.  If you haven’t used Fundrace, try it out.  There’s something amazing about having access to the information.  But what is happening exactly?  Accoutability?  Transparency?  What is the result?  Maybe we should talk to Jonah. Excerpt of NY Times piece Fundrace was created by a small team at Eyebeam, …