How to Win! An Introduction…


The Steves: As a political artist, how can you know when you’ve been successful?

Hans Haacke: I’ve been asked that question many times, and that question requires one to go around it before one really avoids it.

“How to Win” is a work in progress by Stephen Duncombe, an academic, and Steve Lambert, an artist. We are both long-time political activists and both of us believe that using art and culture to transform the world is a good idea. But we are both haunted by the same question: Does it Work? ….   How do we gauge the success of our projects? Hell, how do we even think about success when our goal is utopia?

This site is a place to explore this and related questions. It is an evolving repository for our research. While far from a finished product, we’re offering it as an open window into our process.

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