Alexis Clements is running a class on Art and Labor.
Tuesday evenings, from 7.00-8.30pm
Aug 27 – Sep 24, 2013 (5 sessions)
Brooklyn, NY (see class reg for full details)
In the past century, artists working across disciplines have undertaken a variety of efforts to not only get paid a decent wage for their creative work, but also to gain access to services and protections that workers in other sectors have long enjoyed. Some of those artistic unions, guilds, associations, and collectives still exist or have echoes now, while many are struggling or long gone. Today, many artists are wondering what approaches they can take to resolve the long-standing difficulty of accessing capital through art-making.
Over 5 weeks, we will take a critical look at the connections between the arts and labor in the US. We’ll examine and discuss some historic and contemporary efforts across artistic disciplines to organize around and/or revolutionize arts and labor. We’ll also look at bigger questions about what it means to classify a variety of artistic activities as labor, as well as radical viewpoints that either reject art as a form of labor or view the arts as a space to test out labor practices that could impact all of society.