Exuberant Politics Exhibition
Call for Entries Deadline: December 15, 2013
Send your revolutionary manifesto, your conceptual social sculpture, your political poems, your utopian films and videos, your musical anthems. Enter your political rally poster, your activist website, your play, performance, print, painting or puppet in the show “Exuberant Politics.”
EP celebrates the intersection of art and activism in new forms of creative direct action and organizing, street theater and the art of protest, and social justice political activism.
You or your groups’ artistic political “exuberance” can be expressed in any format, medium or size, but be aware that there is limited floor/wall space in our galleries. We may choose to recognize selected off-site proposals and projects, so please consider a proposal to organize an “exuberant” event in your backyard, neighborhood or locale.
How to Submit
Interested artists should submit a one-page description of the work (pdf or paper) and supporting materials (up to three links, images, videos or other documents). Entries will not be returned, so please send a copy.
Email submissions to:
exuberantpolitics (at) gmail (dot) com
or send by mail to:
120 N. Dubuque St.
Iowa City, IA 52245.
The call for entries closes at midnight on Dec. 15, 2013. Participants will be notified by Feb. 3, 2014.
Submissions that cannot be accommodated in our galleries may be included in a booklet and displayed at the exhibition.
Shipping of accepted work to PS-Z is the responsibility of artist unless otherwise negotiated. PS-Z (or other) will pay for return shipping of all exhibited works.
The show will open at PS-Z in Iowa City and Legion Arts in Cedar Rapids in March 2014, with site-specific performances and other live events scheduled throughout the month.