Giving Tuesday” is a great reminder to donate your time and money to groups you love. If you would like to support the Center’s work in the next year, or years, as we grow to help more groups win against the dark forces out there, here are some options:

Simply donate what you can. Your tax-deductible contribution will allow us to serve communities who normally wouldn’t be able to afford our programs and help us focus on the most important work we can do.

Become a C4AA Sustainer

Becoming a sustainer will help individuals and groups create more effective progressive activist campaigns over the long term. We know that the next four years will take persistence and innovative, and a solid foundation for the Center will mean we can carry out our ambitious strategy for taking on these challenges. Sustainer memberships are tax-deductible, monthly, and will automatically renew, however, you can contact us to cancel the coming year at any time without penalty.


C4AA Sustainer Level

Encourage others to donate

Share this! Tell your friends that you donated. You can use the hashtag #GivingTuesday

Double your impact

Ask your company to provide Employee Matching Gifts, if they don’t already. Email us to send you info so C4AA can be added to your company’s list. Supportive employees at Google and Netflix have already done this.

Help find sustainable funding

Do you know a foundation that seeks to support making activist campaigns more effective across the U.S. or in their region? Let us know.

Why C4AA?

The Center for Artistic Activism has been helping make more creative activists and more effective artists since 2009. For the past few years we’ve helped some of the most vulnerable people under some of the most repressive regimes around the world. Now we will turn our attention back home, and use what we’ve seen work elsewhere to help build a vibrant alternative to the worldview that has dominated this election.

Negative predictions come easily and the world has enough bitterness. Right now the world needs your vision, your optimism, and your empathy. It needs your drive and motivation. It needs your most compelling stories, your creativity, and it needs your humor. We need new ideas of how the world can work, and new ways to get there. The Center trains people to use these ideas in effective campaigns through proven methodologies. The Center for Artistic Activism will spend the next year training groups and individuals who are looking for creative and effective ways to counteract bigotry, hate, misinformation and fear.