Hi friends,

We are thrilled to tell you about a series of online talks that the Artistic Activism Research CoLab has been hosting recently. We’ve had some incredible sessions with experts in artistic activism from around the globe.

First, Mirwan Andan from Indonesia discussed his work with ruangrupa, an artist collective that curated the 2022 Documenta Biennial in Kassel. He explored how their work connects research, society, and community. Their theme for the Biennial was “Lumbung,” which means a communal rice barn. It’s about storing and sharing resources, and they used this idea to address issues like colonialism, capitalism, and patriarchal structures.

Then, Paula Serafini shared insights from her book “Creating Worlds Otherwise: Art, Collective Action, and (Post)Extractivism.” The book is a deep dive into how marginalized groups use art to push back against environmental exploitation. It’s based on her six years of work in creative resistance and environmental justice in Argentina and the UK.

Lastly, Jason Waite talked about an unusual collective art exhibit called “Don’t Follow the Wind,” set in the exclusion zone of Fukushima. The area was evacuated after the nuclear disaster, and now, artists have placed new works there. The exhibit can’t be visited due to ongoing restrictions, making it a powerful, though unseen, statement on the disaster’s impact and our relationship with catastrophe.

I hope you find these presentations as fascinating as we did!

The Center for Artistic Activism

On Lumbung and Time

On Lumbung and Time
A presentation by Mirwan Andan (Indonesia)

Creating Worlds Otherwise

Creating Worlds Otherwise: Art in Struggles Against Extractivism
A presentation by Paula Serafini (Argentina/UK)

Don’t Follow the Wind

Don't Follow the Wind
A presentation by Jason Waite (US/UK)

What is the CoLab?

The Artistic Activism Research CoLab (AARC) is an international network of researchers interested in studying the field of creative activism at a global level. Created in June of 2022, the ARC comprises a group of scholars and practitioners from different world regions. The CoLab aims to share and generate resources and new knowledge on artistic activism as experienced locally and internationally. Visit our website to learn more about AARC’s current Research Associates and subscribe to our soon-to-be-launched newsletter for updates on our projects and activities.