June 2023

Revolutionizing Activism: Fans (Part 1)
Part 1
Revolutionizing Activism: Fans (Part 2)
Part 2
Transcript (Part 2)

Learn How Fans Can Revolutionize Activism

In this two-part conversation, watch Steve Lambert explore fan activism and its relationship to civic engagement. With Sangita Shresthova and Andrew Slack, discover how fan communities of Harry Potter and Bollywood are using shared interests to build solidarity and creative campaigns that make a difference.

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The Art of Activism Book

Want more lessons, insights, and research from decades of our work? You can order The Art of Activism: Your All-Purpose Guide to Making the Impossible Possible.

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Like what you saw? Want to learn more about creative activism and ow these principles can be applied? Join a Center for Artistic activism Learning Lab.

Past Editions

#RevActivism — How do we know it works?
How Do We Know It Works?
#RevActivism — The Power of Utopia
The Power of Utopia
#RevActivism — Using Humor When Things Are Dire
Using Humor When Things Are Dire
#REVActivism — I Made This For You: Strategic Generosity and Artistic Activism
Strategic Generosity
Revolutionizing Activism: Radicalizing the Remote
Radicalizing the Remote
#REVActivism - Revolutionizing Activism: Can Creative Activism Combat Civic Apathy?
Can Artistic Activism Combat Civic Apathy?

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