Questions for Planning a Campaign – a worksheet courtesy of the CDC

Doing some research for our book and I came across this worksheet from the Centers for Disease Control. Those who have taken our workshop will be familiar with some of these ideas. This list of questions can help you get started in knowing what decisions you’ll need to be making as you move through the …

Restaurant Calorie Labeling and Obesity: Does it Work?

A 620 calorie Starbucks Venti White Hot Chocolate is over 1/4 your recommended calories for the day1. But would knowing that change what you order? As calories on menus goes nationwide, this New York Times article asks “does it work?” and there are arguments on both sides. “There are very few cases where social scientists …

Behavioral Science in Campaigns

This story in the New York Times talks about how behavioral science was used in the Obama campaign. Much of these ideas are echoed in the School for Creative Activism. An excerpt: Another technique some volunteers said they used was to inform supporters that others in their neighborhood were planning to vote. Again, recent research …

Design with Intent Toolkit

Design with Intent:101 Patterns for Influencing Behaviour Through Design All design influences our behaviour, but as designers we don’t always consciously consider the power this gives us to help people, (and, sometimes, to manipulate them). There’s a huge opportunity for design for behaviour change to address social and environmental issues where people’s behaviour is important, …

Anti-Smoking Ads: pain, suffering and dismemberment works.

Anti-smoking ads historically highlight one blunt fact: smoking kills. But the World Lung Foundation has analyzed the effectiveness of ads around the world targeting various cultures and discovered it’s not that simple. Sandra Mullin, senior vice president at Communications for the World Lung Foundation, says the most effective ads highlight the pain, suffering and dismemberment …