Learn how to take voters from “Oh, crap” to “Oh, snap!”

The Voter Concierge Corps makes voting clear and easy by providing comprehensive, personal ballot research that helps people vote their values – through the magic of endorsements and community.

Review the materials below, ace our lil Concierge quiz, and you’ll be all ready to get started!

Get the Overview

About the Voter Concierge Corps
Quickly get up to speed on everything Voter Concierge!

You can also watch a recording of a full info session here (Passcode: M5e7+T%F) and/or scroll through our deck here.

Take the Most Important Things to Heart

It’s all about the voter

The Voter Concierge is all about helping the voter, supporting what they care about and helping them vote their values. Concierges don’t share their own opinions or try to convince voters to vote in any kind of way.

Ease is our middle name

Not really, but ease is really important to us. We’re making voting easy for voters. We’re also making helping voters easy for Concierges. Every step of the way we provide templates, tools, and all the things we can think of to make this as efficient and effective as possible.

We also trust that you know the best way to reach out to your communities, and so you can customize to your heart’s content!

Concierges activate their own communities

Unlike phonebanking, textbanking, or canvassing — where you get a list of strangers (and a lot of hang-ups, rude texts, and doors slammed in your face), this is about you reaching out to your communities and offering help.

(Don’t worry — we have templates, graphics, and text for all that, too.)

Concierges have exponential reach

Voters reach out for help through our online form, and Concierges make each voter a personal voting guide that has all the answers. Concierges then share the guide in the method the voter asks for when they sign up (this can be video call, recorded video, recorded voice note, email, or text — or if you and your friend want to meet in person, we love that!).

Concierges also encourage voters to share what they’ve learned with others in their communities — and in past runs of the Concierge, on average voters shared with 10 other people. That means your impact is 1:11. Huge!

This is based in extensive experience and legit science

We ran a pilot version of this program back in 2022 and it went like gangbusters. At the heart of its success is its basis in relational organizing and behavioral science, plus its reliance on endorsements as, essentially, decoder rings for ballots.

Together we are dazzling

The Concierge Corps has optional weekly hangouts online on Wednesdays from 7:30-8:30pm ET. These gatherings are called Dazzles. At Dazzles, Concierges can:

  • prepare their voters’ personal guides,
  • get help from other Concierges, and
  • track our immense collective reach (and win prizes!).

Of course you can also prepare your voters’ guides on your own, and reach out to get help at any time. Dazzles are just the extra-fun way to do those things.

Wondering why they’re called Dazzles? Because Concierges are nonpartisan. We’re not about promoting any candidate or side — we’re not pro-elephant or pro-donkey. Instead, we’re neutral, like zebras. And a group of zebras is called a dazzle (for real!).

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Enjoy some Tunes

Groove out to the songs Concierges and voters say pump them up!

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Quiz Time!

Now that you’ve studied up, answer the following questions, score 100%, and you’ll officially become a Concierge!

VCC Quiz
I watched and/or reviewed the Voter Concierge Corps training materials.
To connect with voters, Concierges:
Can a Concierge give any personal recommendation or share any personal views about candidates and which to vote for?
Concierges should follow the provided script and
Concierges can tell people who and what to vote for.
If Concierges need help answering voter questions, they can:
Check all that apply
Dazzles are weekly Concierge hangouts that are

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