Center for Artistic Activism advisory board member Kenny Bailey and his team at the Design Studio for Social Invervention have a new book: Ideas Arrangements Effects – System Design and Social Justice.

With this simple premise, DS4SI makes the case for arrangements as a rich and overlooked terrain for social justice and world building. Unpacking how ideas like racism and sexism remain sturdy by embedding themselves in everything from physical and social infrastructure to everyday speech and thought habits, this book gives readers the tools to sense, intervene in and imagine new arrangements. Using diverse examples from their work and others, DS4SI offers readers a roadmap for using social interventions to invite the larger public into imagining and creating a more just and vibrant world.

And you can get a free pdf now

The print edition—and book tour—have been delayed by the current situation, but we’ll keep you posted! In the meantime, we wanted to get this into people’s hands ASAP, since the current “Covid Moment” is putting so many arrangements into question.