Futures are Weird and Unknowable

Hi, it’s Steve (co-founder of the Center for Artistic Activism) and I’m here to validate you: yup, things are weird. It’s been an unusual month here in the U.S; wild court rulings, the sudden uncertainty around Joe Biden’s candidacy, and someone tried to assassinate Donald Trump. Stability comes from feeling we can somewhat anticipate the …

War is the ultimate failure of imagination

War is the ultimate failure of imagination. We must imagine better solutions and work toward them. Fortunately there’s already a homegrown left vision in Israel-Palestine, that’s supported by a large and increasing number of Arabs and Jews. It’s utopian but also deeply pragmatic. Join us and imagine a way forward for Palestine-Israel Tuesday | February …

How Creative Hoaxes and Pranks Can Inspire Your Next Artistic Activism Campaign

Inspiration can come from unexpected sources. In the spirit of April Fool’s Day, here’s a few hoaxes, pranks, and stunts that have inspired me, and might inspire an element of your next successful artistic action. Steve Lambert Czech Dream How two filmmakers pulled off a massive ad campaign for a superstore that turned out to …

Tips for Collaborating with Organizations

PREAMBLE On Friday June 24, 2022 the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Along with the shock, grief, dread, and anger we’re feeling, many people are wondering what they can do in this moment. We don’t have a silver bullet that can solve this. If we did, we’d all be doing it. However, …

The Art of Activism Learning Lab

This Spring you can join a Center for Artistic Activism workshop – a place where powerful methods are shared, ideas bloom, and old friendships begin. We’re now offering remote training supported by our tried-and-tested lessons, global team of some of the top practitioners in the world, and the Art of Activism book and workbook. The …

Art of Activism Book Event in DC

Join us in Washington DC to discuss The Art of Activism: Your All Purpose Guide to making the Impossible Possible On Saturday, December 4th We Act Radio’s literacy campaign and The Charnice Milton Community Bookstore are hosting the co-authors of The Art of Activism: Your All-Purpose Guide to Making the Impossible Possible. We’ll celebrate the …

Song Power for the People

Our government should work for us, but the filibuster isn’t working. The Senate’s filibuster is a loophole to grab power and doom legislation the majority of Americans want. Senators need to know we’re holding them accountable to eliminate the filibuster and pass laws that protect our lives and freedoms–especially our freedom to vote. How will …

Public Comment as Performance

Government meetings can become a key performance venue with some clever planning. The bar is already set so low that one can easily say their peace and do it with panache! Get inspired by these fun examples… There are situations where open public comment, response, or testimony is invited; shareholder meetings, city council, Q&As, and …

Intercept: The Vaccine Divide

“Why should the knowledge that is required to end the pandemic be kept secret?” There is a better way, and this report exposes how pharmaceutical corporations are acting as barriers, not saviors. This short report from the Intercept sums up why we at Universities Allied for Essential Medicines and the Center for Artistic Activism have …

May 5: DC Rally for a People’s Vaccine

Haga clic aquí para leer este mensaje en español. A global pandemic requires a global solution. Yet we’re allowing pharmaceutical corporations to profit off the pandemic and public research. Their monopolies prevent generic producers, and limit production and access to these life saving medications for our neighbors in other parts of the world. These policies …

Call for Submissions: Actipedia

Actipedia – our open-access, community generated wiki to document, share and inspire creative activism – is looking for fresh submissions! You can contribute to Actipedia! Here’s two wildly different but incredibly effective creative actions to get your wheels turning. The Condom On Jesse Helms’ House Remember that scene from Pose where Blanca and the squad …

Bernie Sanders supports a People’s Vaccine

During the People’s Vaccine Alliance March 10 Global Rally Senator Bernie Sanders delivered a message announcing his support for a People’s Vaccine and calling on the Biden administration to take the necessary steps toward global vaccine equity. It is unconscionable that amid a global public health crisis, huge multibillion dollar pharmaceutical companies continue to prioritize …

Alumni Report: A Promise to Your Hero in Albania

Albanian artistic activist, Migen Qiraxhi, joined a Center for Artistic Activism training in Sarajevo in 2019. Since then he’s taken those lessons and shared them with groups in Albania to create remarkable actions against corruption. We’re happy to share a recent report from Migen. We created and printed in 2d versions the figures (silhouettes) of …