Pop Culture Field Trips (Part 1 + 2)

Hi there, My name is Serena, and I’ve been working with the Communications Team here at the Center this summer. I have a confession: I grew up without television. Wait what?! This may seem like a strange way to introduce myself, (especially for someone halfway through the last year of a media studies degree!) but …

Tips for Collaborating with Organizations

PREAMBLE On Friday June 24, 2022 the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Along with the shock, grief, dread, and anger we’re feeling, many people are wondering what they can do in this moment. We don’t have a silver bullet that can solve this. If we did, we’d all be doing it. However, …

Let’s Step it Up! Workshop handout

A clear, concise list of prompts to remind us of important things to remember when planning an action. We offer this to you and hope it helps. Your Foundation Dream Where are we headed? Have you wandered through your imagined utopia lately? First Steps Which path will get you to your objective the fastest: Individual …

Webinar #23: Easter Special

The unorthodox stories of the secret artistic activism history of prophets. Moses, Jesus and Mohammed were amazing activists and creative militants. They understood the fundamentals of using story and spectacle, signs and symbols as means to criticize the status quo and offer up an alternative vision.  Artists and activists have a lot to learn from …

Webinar #19: How Change Happens: Artistic Activism’s Theory of Change

How Change Happens: Artistic Activism’s Theory of Change Behind all successful transformative action is a Theory of Change. Artistic Activism is no different. An idea of how change happens helps us choose how we use our time, effort and creativity and how to leverage these things for maximum impact. Join us in this webinar as …

Webinar #17: Intelligent Mischief and the Culture of Black Liberation

In this webinar, Steve Lambert has a great talk with Terry about how he uses satire, story, surrealism, comics, video, stickers, art exhibits, products, and so much more to create transformational experiences. We love how Terry talks about fearless creative experimentation, world-building, and diegetic prototypes to help move forward any progressive idea. Terry has been …

Webinar: Guerrilla Futures

Our new webinar season launched December 1st, 2017 with Stuart Candy and Jake Dunagan of Guerrilla Futures. They use future studies to understand how we can all use visionary thinking to imagine and create better tomorrows. While many futurists engage in thinking about the future theoretically, these guys actually experiment. Their Experiential Futures work using …

Exam – Planning A Campaign

The Exam Excerpted from the upcoming book How To Win: The Art of Activism by Stephen Duncombe and Steve Lambert “Sentiment without action is the ruin of the soul”. ― Edward Abbey Time: a Morning, Afternoon or Evening STEP 1: Pepare You’ll want to do a few things to get ready for this exercise. For …

Imagining Utopia

In order to change the world we live in we need to be able to imagine the world we desire. Through the Imagining Utopia workshop, CAA faculty work with groups – ranging from elementary school students to seasoned grassroots activists – to stimulate their imagination of what could be. Beginning with presentations of dreams of …

How to Win #14: Learn from Hollywood

With a savvy entertainer in the White House, we need to really understand how entertainment works, and wield that knowledge like a flaming sword on a windy but beautiful hilltop. With a savvy entertainer in the White House, we need to really understand how entertainment works, and wield that knowledge like a flaming sword on a windy but beautiful hilltop. What …

How to Win #13: Learn from South Africa

While having an autocratic, erratic and narcissistic madman as a president might be new to artistic activists in the US, this is standard operating procedure for activists in other parts of the world. In this webinar we talked with veteran South African activists Ishtar Lakhani and Marlise Richter to learn how to navigate, and effectively operate in, …

How to Win Webinar #11: Recalibrate Reality

Why Recalibrate Reality? Should artistic activists use our work to hold a mirror up to reality to make the invisible visible? Or should we use our talents to imagine new possibilities of what reality could be? Or can we do both? Steve and Steve give a brief course on the latest aesthetic and cultural theory, and …

How To Win Webinar #10: Make Your Meetings Inventive

Why a Webinar about Meetings? We’ve all been in a lot of action planning meetings lately, and some of them… are less than productive. This training is on how to lead Action Planning Meetings that don’t suck and are super creative and effective. Steve Lambert and Steve Duncombe give you tricks from their years of artistic …

How to Win Webinar #9: Mine Pop Culture

How can progressives borrow and steal from pop culture to make real change? Pop culture can be read as a map to popular desire. In this video of our live webinar, Co-founder Steve Duncombe and Chair of our Board Pat Jerido of Leadership Matters Consulting show how to read the map and exploit the phantasmagoric …