In this webinar, Steve Lambert has a great talk with Terry about how he uses satire, story, surrealism, comics, video, stickers, art exhibits, products, and so much more to create transformational experiences.

#17 Intelligent Mischief & Creating a Culture of Black Liberation

We love how Terry talks about fearless creative experimentation, world-building, and diegetic prototypes to help move forward any progressive idea.

Terry has been involved in social justice movements for over 20 years and founded Intelligent Mischief in 2013. He’s a superstar facilitator and brilliant cultural strategist. Prior to Intelligent Mischief he founded Streets is Watching and the Hip Hop Media Lab. He is an affiliate trainer and consultant for the Center for Story-based Strategy (CSS), a Beautiful Trouble trainer, co-founder of The BlackOut Collective and sits on our Board of Directors!

Just a couple of the many brilliant things that Terry is working on that we love:

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Portrait of Terry Marshall
Portrait of Terry Marshall