Video + Takeaways – How to Know If It’s Working

Asking if you can have impact using digital advocacy is like asking if you can have impact using the telephone. Digital advocacy is a tool – it’s not a strategy in itself. Liba Beyer We have big dreams and ideas, and we go after them. We want to know that what we’re doing is making …

Revolutionizing Activism: How Do We Know It Works?

Have you heard about the Center for Artistic Activism Secret Sauce? Well, if you’re wondering whether creative activism works, or challenged by what it even means for creative activism to work then you’re in luck – at the next edition of Revolutionizing Activism on May 26th at 12pm EST we’re sharing the secret sauce behind …

Assessing the Impact of Artistic Activism – Report

After nearly a decade of interviews with artistic activism practitioners and over a year of reviewing academic literature and professional reports, the C4AA Æfficacy Project Research Team has released a substantial report: Assessing the Impact of Artistic Activism. Read and download the full report or a concise 4-page summary. Assessing the Impact of Artistic Activism …

Webinar #18: How Do We Know If It Works? Part 1

This is one of our most popular webinars. We’re sorry if you missed it happening live, but you can check out the video, which is 97.587% as great. Sign up for future webinars to get in on the live action. In this webinar, Steve and Steve talked with the fantastic scholar/activist Jan Cohen-Cruz and A …


Effect (v.) “To bring about (an event, a result); to accomplish (an intention, a desire).”Affect (v.) “To have an effect on the mind or feelings of (a person); to impress or influence emotionally; to move, touch.” (Oxford English Dictionary) When it comes to bringing about social change, effect and affect are intertwined. Artistic activism aims …

Axes of Art and Activism

The terrain of artistic activism and activist art is vast, and there is no one coordinate of success. In order to map some of this landscape we’ve created the following axes where one might situate particular practices and thereby better determine relative success. A work-in-progress. You can download the PDF here. Risë Wilson, George Perlov, …

Report on interviews with trainers & field-defining organizations

Download: Report on Interviews with Trainers Field-Defining Organizations March 2017 Background Following the development of a literature review last year on measuring the impact of artistic/creative activism, The Center for Artistic Activism (C4AA), conducted interviews with artistic activism trainers and other “field-defining” organizations to expand the learning for this part of the Æfficacy project. This …

Æfficacy Project

Measuring the Impact of Artistic Activism AKA “The Æffect Project” In 2015 the C4AA teamed up with George Perlov, former VP of Research at the Ad Council, and currently with George Perlov Consulting,  to study the æffect of artistic activism. What we’re looking for are answers to the question “Does Artistic Activism Work?” and what …

Æffect Advisory Board

Artistic Activism Efficacy Advisory Board   Kenneth Bailey — Founder, Design Studio for Social Intervention Luis Camnitzer — Independent artist James Chung — Founder, Reach Advisers Brett Davidson — Program Director, Open Society Foundations Kathy Eldon — Founder, Creative Visions       Deborah Fisher — Executive Director, A Blade of Grass Jessica George — Executive Director, Revolutions …

Literature Review

Center for Artistic Activism Measuring the Impact of Artistic Activism Literature Review Report DRAFT March 25, 2016   Background Social change is hard. Over the years, social issue campaigners and activists have employed a variety of marketing and communications efforts to attract public interest to their issues and causes to varying degrees of success. More …