Hi, it’s Steve (co-founder of the Center for Artistic Activism) and I’m here to validate you: yup, things are weird.

It’s been an unusual month here in the U.S; wild court rulings, the sudden uncertainty around Joe Biden’s candidacy, and someone tried to assassinate Donald Trump.

Stability comes from feeling we can somewhat anticipate the future, if not the details at least the general trajectory. However, the scope of that trajectory – what’s probable here in the US – has suddenly widened, revealing darker paths to darker places. The landscape is shifting quickly and it’s disorienting. The future has always been weird and unknowable, but it sure feels more so in recent days.

But we don’t know what the future will be. None of us do. No one ever knew and no one ever will. While that means there’s room for wonderful surprises, for many the present and immediate future feel all encompassing and, honestly, dismal.

You’re likely having one of two, very normal, reactions to this.

  1. You’re feeling dispirited – see below
  2. You’re feeling motivated (and maybe a bit directionless) – scroll a bit further
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I get it. It can feel hard to be excited or inspired about the months ahead. But what we really want and what we’ve been working toward never existed in the months ahead.

If you’re not excited about the candidates or the direction this election is taking, try expanding your timeline. Consider who you’d like to vote for in 2028. Think about what would make you hopeful and excited for that election. What kinds of campaigns do you want to see in 2032 or 2036? Pause a moment and ask yourself what are the issues you want to see discussed? What’s the tone? What’s the feeling you want to have? What feeling you want everyone to have?

Now, whatever you’ve imagined, the path to that world starts here. The 2024 election, and every election, and a ton of other work we’ll all take part in, are all part of that journey.

If it helps, think about the decade instead of the year. Escape the news cycle and the political season. Start thinking bigger to make the present a smaller step. Start talking to people about their hopes for the 2028 election, put this election in context.

You may feel an overwhelming sense of urgency right now to get more involved and do… something.

We’ve worked with thousands of people who are trying to change power. The irony is, it doesn’t change because of sheer force. You don’t win power with more power. Too often people forget things don’t happen just because you want it bad enough, or you work harder, sacrifice more, or push others to do more. You’d think it would happen this way (not saying hard work doesn’t help) but it’s not the main factor.

Things change because of good planning and smart bets. Activism is inherently a gamble. We’re gamblers. We’re not gambling our life savings and trying to enrich ourselves. But we are investing our life’s energy and trying to win a better world.

How do you make smart bets to change the world?

  • Knowing what you’re trying to achieve in real terms. What does winning look like? When you win, what happens next?
  • Considering a wealth of innovative and diverse ways to achieve those objectives. Use your creativity to come up with clever strategies that can tip the odds in your favor. And don’t get too attached to any of them too quickly. Develop a few ideas instead of going all-in on one. Then…
  • Start watching for possibilities to take action, especially in places where others may not see an opportunity. Then seize the moment to invest and win big.
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Then you pull the lever and see what happens. You won’t win every time, but if you keep playing the odds by planning, thinking creatively, and making smart bets you’ll come out ahead. And likely having achieved things you didn’t think were possible.

From the beginning we’ve freely shared resources helping you plan and make those smart bets. You can access them on this site.

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Stay in the game

Remember that your work, your creative thinking, and your ability to adapt is needed most when the unexpected happens. 

While no one can predict or control the future, we all have the power to influence it. Therefor, we may as well hope, and summon the courage to work, for the future we want.

Otherwise, who wins when we’re hopeless?

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