We all need to blow off some steam. You’ve been in your house since March, baking, and baking, and baking, and baking. But you’ve also been paying attention. And you’re mad.

Bake a pie with a protest message on it and enter our contest! Post it on Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #protestpies.

Winners receive award winning pastry chef, “The Pie Queen,” and Center for Artistic Activism’s “Baker-in-Residence,” Nicole Rucker’s cookbook Dappled, a unique totebag, and a pie tin from her bakery, Fat and Flour. Nicole also a background in the fine arts, so aesthetics count.

Professional, award-winning baker Nicole Rucker and Center for Artistic Activism co-director cover these topics: cakes not allowed, Jenny Holzer, cakes are historically for the rich, putting a burrito in your pocket, pies are for working people, cheesecake is in the pie family.

Deadline for entries: October 28


  1. Keep your message powerful and concise
  2. The quality of the pie is will be judged more than the message.
  3. To be given serious consideration as a finalist, get a closeup video of a child eating the first bite of the pie and show if they choose to eat a second bite. No coaching or coercion.
  4. Cakes are not accepted.
  5. Cheesecake counts as a pie.

If you’re looking for inspiration, check out another cookbook author, Beth Howard, and her Protest Pies: