Season 3 of our COVID healthcare campaign, Free the Vaccine, will be starting in just a few weeks! Participant applications will be out soon.
But right now, we’re hiring Free the Vaccine Project Managers.
Project Managers will support participants in achieving the objectives of the campaign; assist in training participants in Creative Activism and Access to Medicines; and champion our diverse, vibrant community.
Apply here by Friday, January 22, at 11:59pm.
Free the Vaccine for COVID-19 is a global movement working to ensure that COVID-19 testing, treatments, and vaccines are safe, effective, and available to all for free. The movement works as an Advocacy Innovation Lab, bringing together hundreds of people from around the world to collaboratively devise, design, implement, and evaluate new forms of advocacy that can succeed in these challenging times.
Since March 2020, we have run two seasons of the campaign. We are preparing to launch our third season in February and we will be implementing several exciting changes, including: broadening our targets to include government entities and popular education in addition to universities, grouping participants by interest rather than geographic region, and increasing collaboration across groups.
Project Managers will be critical to building our Season 3 FTV community, running the campaign, and achieving our goals of COVID-19 healthcare for all.
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