Celebrate Martin Luther King Day with Peace Through Pie & Stir The Pot.

Learn about the Civil Rights history of pie, participate in interactive pie demos & be inspired by the words of MLK to activate your own action!

Join Chef Nadine Nelson of Global Local Gourmet hosting:

Tanya Fields
Executive Director of the Black Feminist Project

Nancie McDermott
Author of Southern Pies and 9 other cookbooks

STIR THE POT – Stir the Pot brings people together to cook, cultivate community, and inspire activism through the act of preparing food. Stir the Pot is supported by the Center for Artistic Activism’s Unstoppable Voters project.

PEACE THROUGH PIE – A Grassroots Peace Movement Creating a Culture of Peace through convening around pie.


3:00 – 5:00 PM on ZOOM

Be part of the movement.

RSVP at stirthepot.online/events/mlk-day-event. Come share pie together as we co-create the new frontier of peace, one piece of pie at a time, and inspire activism through the life of MLK & invited speakers.

Nancie’s Pie Recipe

Facebook event – if you’re into that.