Behavioral Science in Campaigns

This story in the New York Times talks about how behavioral science was used in the Obama campaign. Much of these ideas are echoed in the School for Creative Activism. An excerpt: Another technique some volunteers said they used was to inform supporters that others in their neighborhood were planning to vote. Again, recent research …

Richard Wolff on the economic crisis (2009)

Economist, author, Professor emeritus UMass, Amherst, Richard Wolff, speaks about the current economic crises, its’ roots and what we can do about it. The “what to do about it” section touches on where collectivism overlaps with Republican software developers in Silicon Valley (at 1hr 16m) and relates to Gramsci’s “War of Position” we often talk …

Failure Support Group – Saturday 11/3

Failure Support Group Creative, social and activist projects fail. Sometimes miserably. Come share your failure with us in a warm, supportive environment. Saturday, November 3rd, 6PM Boston University’s 808 Gallery, 808 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA We provide: Group hugs and bad snacks All are welcome to listen or present. If you want to present your …

An Open Letter to Critics Writing About Political Art

Last weekend Creative Time held their fourth annual summit on the current state of artistic activism. Over two days, scores of political artists from around the world gave short presentations and organized longer workshops. Hundreds of people participated. The critical response, so far, has been underwhelming: few critics attended and those that did had little substantive to …

L.M. Bogad

Innovation, surprise… when you surprise someone, you’re earning a moment because you’re opening up a space. The surprise can open up a temporal, experiential space where anything can come in.  There’s opening up a political space, opening up a physical space.   Events, protest events, tend to either occupy space or open space.  There are …

Dream: Re-Imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy – free PDF

 Dream: Re-Imagining Progressive Politics in an Age of Fantasy by CAA co-director Stephen Duncombe is now a  free pdf. Part analysis of popular culture, part how-to guide to creative activism, Stephen make a case for how activists can, and must use fantasy and spectacle in their work…and do it ethically.

ExtraEnvironmentalist Interview with CAA’s Steve Lambert

The ExtraEnvironmentalist podcast recently did an interview with the Center for Artistic Activism’s Steve Lambert. With an educational system that trains artists to develop their talents into commercial skills, our culture is missing out on the ability for art to disrupt normalcy. Why should we hope for systemic reform when the vast majority of water …

“Look at him; no ribbons, no lace!” Cyrano teaches us old lessons

I don’t think I understood how valuable this was in freshman year English class. What a strength to have such confidence, and be able to insult yourself better than anyone else. To know that what others perceive as our weaknesses are actually strengths. Our value isn’t worn outside, but in our hearts and our actions. …

“Living in Limbo” brings LGBT issues to the Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham, Alabama

Living in Limbo: A contemporary photography exhibit that honors the complexities of lesbian family life by revealing authentic moments. Unfortunately the movement for LGBT rights doesn’t shift at the same pace around the country. Certain regions make strides forward – passing gay rights and marriage equality legislation – while others seem to be moving slowly …

Dread Scott

“They denounced my work on the floor of the Senate as they passed the legislation. And President Bush publicly said he thought the work was disgraceful. So here I am 24 years old and the President of the United States knows I exist and doesn’t like what I’m doing, and I think, I must be …