Will changing your Facebook profile picture do anything for marriage equality? | PsySociety, Scientific American Blog Network

As SCOTUS debates the constitutionality of Proposition 8 and DOMA this week, Facebook users all over the nation have become part of a burgeoning social media trend. Supporters of marriage equality have been changing their profile pictures to the icon on the left, a version of the Human Rights Campaign logo designed specifically to indicate …

Howitcouldbedifferent.org: A Wikipedia for Social Change

  Looking for some inspiration for your next creative activist project? Look no further than howitcouldbedifferent.org, which is described as a wikipedia for social change allowing users to post and share visions for a better world and ideas of specific progressive changes they would like to see happen.   It was founded on a simple …

33 Ways to Stay Creative

Check out this list of 33 Ways to Stay Creative for small everyday suggestions on how to keep the creative juices flowing:       What would happen if most people followed its recommendations instead of just clicking “like”? How would our society change if schools posted these and then operated accordingly? –Liz Dwyer via …

From the Congo to Panama, Beat Making Labs Creates Sustainable Music Studios in Unlikely Places

Teaching Beat Making | Ep. 1: Goma, DR Congo | Beat Making Lab | PBS Digital StudiosWatch this video on YouTube When most folks think of Africa, they automatically think of famine, disease, and war. But for those who understand how media works, knows that the Africa  most people think of is only one side of the vastly …

Comics in Kenya

We’ve been in Kenya for the last week, and have been honored to work with talented activists from Uganda, Zimbabwe, and Kenya.  This is the first time the School for Creative Activism has traveled to Africa, and it’s been an incredible experience. One of the participants showed us a project he’s worked on for the …

Decaying Russian Buildings Transformed into Character Art

Russian artist Nikita Nomerz art series,   “The Living Wall,” resurrects dilapidated buildings by turning them into pieces of art. In his interview with  Global Street Art, Nikita explains the reasoning behind his series…. I paint in the street, in public spaces, but I do not position myself as an invader of the city or a destroyer. I position …

Hip Hop for Healthy Eating

Real Food Justice: From Black Panther Party Roots to Hip Hop Activism, Foodies with Fists Youth attend a “Youth Hip Hop Green Dinners” where they enjoy performances by hip-hop artists and their first vegan meal!    When his grandmother died from diabetes, Ashel Eldridge, a 32-year-old Oakland-based educator with the Alliance for Climate Education, set out …

Using Art to talk back to Unwanted “Compliments”

  Posters on a wall on Tompkins Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, try to make the point that some comments to women aren’t welcome. “These things make you feel like your body isn’t yours,” the artist says. Shorty. Sweetie. Sweetheart. Baby. Boo. If you’re a woman, you’ve probably heard it. If you were to respond, what would …

Crowdsourcing Change through Public Art

  I Wish This Was began in New Orleans in November 2010. It was inspired by vacant storefronts. There are a lot of them where Candy lives in New Orleans. There are also a lot of people who need and want things. What if we could easily voice what we want, where we want it? How can …

Somalia Guerrilla Artists Dare to Paint Reality

MOGADISHU, Somalia — The guerrilla artists come out in the darkness of the Mogadishu night. Three of them are old hands with a brush, but they’ve never been out on such a crazy mission at a time when sensible people stay indoors. They gather for work in a converted garage, with a wildly paved floor …

Grace and Gravity – Monumental Work by El Anatsui

Gravity and Grace: Monumental Works by El AnatsuiWatch this video on YouTube “In the exhibition are twelve recent monumental wall and floor sculptures, widely considered to represent the apex of Anatsui’s career. The metal wall works, created with bottle caps from a distillery in Nsukka, are pieced together to form colorful, textured hangings that take …

The Sounds of the Spanish Revolution

After a demonstration, on May 15 2011, around forty people decided to sleep in Puerta del Sol, one of Madrid´s central squares. This was the origin of a complex protest camp, that would take a phenomenon which had its origins in the Arab Spring to the Western World. On that first night, Kamen Nedev was …

Nonprofit Fights Poverty With Poverty | The Onion

This is from 2006 but somehow stayed relevant. Our crack team of anti-poverty activists is totally devoted to marshalling every resource at our disposal,” Lindstrom said as she stood under a flickering light bulb in the office’s bathroom and added some water to an old toner cartridge to squeeze every last drop of usable ink …

Pray the Devil Back to Hell

http://youtu.be/dxEvsj80fsE Pray the Devil Back to Hell chronicles the remarkable story of the courageous Liberian women who came together to end a bloody civil war and bring peace to their shattered country. Thousands of women — ordinary mothers, grandmothers, aunts and daughters, both Christian and Muslim — came together to pray for peace and then staged …

Photographer Leslie Thomas Wants to Shock You

Leslie Thomas wants to shock you. She wants to anger you. And above all, she wants you to do something. She’s not talking about run-of-the-mill, “Hey buddy, watch your step” angry or TMZ sleaze shock. She’s talking about the great humanitarian and social crises of our time, like in Darfur, Afghanistan or Myanmar. And yes, …

Tedx Talk: “We are all born Artists”

“There are so many reasons why we can’t be, indeed, we’re not sure why we should be. We don’t know why we should be artists, but we have many reasons why we can’t be. Why do people instantly resist the idea of associating themselves with art? Perhaps you think art is for the greatly gifted …

“You can also define creative intervention as a real move”: Fragments of an interview with Andrew Boyd

Andrew Boyd describes himself as an “author, activist, and prankster for social change”, involved in campaigns such as Billionaires for Bush or The other 98%. Together with Dave Oswald Mitchell, he recently edited Beautiful Trouble. A toolbox for revolution, a kind of instruction manual for creative activism. We had the chance to ask him some …

Coco Fusco

“People don’t like the things that I do. At all. The problem is that I still do them. So it’s kind of like, it would be easy to throw me out for a lot of reasons, and I have gotten bounced. But I’m still working. That’s enough.” “It took three hundred years to get rid …