Online Panel: Journal Rappé and The Peace Poets

We’re so excited about this. Keyti is based in Senegal, one of our Artistic Activism trainers for the Regional Creative Hubs, and a co-founder of Journal Rappé. The project takes current affairs and in-depth reporting, puts it to a beat, and edits together a 10+ minute report published on YouTube. This year, their work was …

4: The Billboard Hot 100

“People in the art world, in general, are afraid of popular… it’s the fear that if you like what everyone else likes, then you’re no different than them, you might just be like them. And people are quite frightened of that.” – Brian Eno This episode we had author, philosopher, and punk rock drummer Max …

From the Congo to Panama, Beat Making Labs Creates Sustainable Music Studios in Unlikely Places

Teaching Beat Making | Ep. 1: Goma, DR Congo | Beat Making Lab | PBS Digital StudiosWatch this video on YouTube When most folks think of Africa, they automatically think of famine, disease, and war. But for those who understand how media works, knows that the Africa  most people think of is only one side of the vastly …