The Center for Artistic Activism Reading List

Update: We wrote a book! The Art of Activism: Your All Purpose Guide to Making the Impossible Possible Here, in dazzling red and black words and pictures, is an all-purpose guide that shows how to bring about effective social change by combining the emotional power of the arts with the strategic planning of activism. Join …

Report on interviews with trainers & field-defining organizations

Download: Report on Interviews with Trainers Field-Defining Organizations March 2017 Background Following the development of a literature review last year on measuring the impact of artistic/creative activism, The Center for Artistic Activism (C4AA), conducted interviews with artistic activism trainers and other “field-defining” organizations to expand the learning for this part of the Æfficacy project. This …

“You can also define creative intervention as a real move”: Fragments of an interview with Andrew Boyd

Andrew Boyd describes himself as an “author, activist, and prankster for social change”, involved in campaigns such as Billionaires for Bush or The other 98%. Together with Dave Oswald Mitchell, he recently edited Beautiful Trouble. A toolbox for revolution, a kind of instruction manual for creative activism. We had the chance to ask him some …

The Center for Artistic Activism supports Beautiful Trouble. Will you?

Beautiful Trouble will be a book & web toolbox that puts the best ideas and tactics of creative action in the hands of the next generation of change-makers, connecting the accumulated wisdom of decades of creative protest to the popular outrage of the current political moment. From prank websites to militant carnivals, flash mobs to …

SCA New York participants announced

The School for Creative Activism is excited to announce the participants of our 2011 workshop training in New York,NY. (this is a partial list) Amita Swadhin Amita Swadhin is dedicated to fighting interpersonal and institutional violence against young people. Her commitments stem from her experiences as a queer woman of color, a daughter of immigrants, …

Andrew Boyd

“I think there is something affirming of our humanity in culture – in the community building side of things. A connective tissue, quilting all of us together and creating meaning as you strive for these outcomes. That is different from operational politics – when you’re just trying to do turn out or get numbers or …