Caroline Duble

2023 Unstoppable Voters Fellow Caroline Duble is fighting for Texans’ fundamental freedoms

Caroline Duble
Caroline Duble. Photo by Os Galindo.
Caroline in front of the Supreme Court

Caroline Duble (she/her) is a beekeeper, caretaker of dogs and chickens, and a born and raised Houstonian. She has spent the last decade busting abortion stigma, running badass field programs, and advancing progressive causes in Texas. She currently serves as the Political Director at Avow, an unapologetic, bold, and scrappy political advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring abortion access for every Texan, for any reasons they may have. Before that, Caroline spent 5 years at the ACLU of Texas building out their community engagement programs and teams. Caroline seeks to connect Texans’ individual experiences to state and local policy, in order to activate and harness the incredible power that Texans have to make change.

Avow: Unapologetic Abortion Advocacy

We’re working for a better Texas: where every person is trusted, thriving, and free to pursue the life they want. Across the nation, abortion rights are under siege. Here in Texas, we face anti-abortion government and extremist policies at every level. These policies are rooted in patriarchy and white supremacy, and are backed by national anti-choice groups who don’t represent Texas values. It’s up to us to stop those policies here in Texas, before they are exported to other states across the country. We’re leading this movement and changing the culture with an unapologetic abortion-forward mindset. Through community-building, education, and political advocacy, Avow is securing unrestricted abortion care and reproductive rights for every Texan.

Delight & Decide

Through Unstoppable Voters, Caroline aims for Avow’s work to have a destigmatizing effect — making people feel a sense of support for their fellow humans, kindness, a softening of judgment, and a sense of playfulness through growth. To achieve this, Caroline and the Avow team are working to have in-depth, open, and honest conversations about abortion with voters in Richardson, TX — an area that has strong ties to the community and neighborhood pride.

So, what better way to connect to the community than with a friendly neighborhood lemonade stand? This October, Avow set up their Delight & Decide stand in a Richardson park, welcoming each passerby — families, individuals, and even dogs! — to decide for themselves which beverage out of many refreshing and delightful options they’d like to enjoy. While providing different drink choices, Avow engaged in conversation about community building, bodily autonomy, and the ability to decide what option — drinks or otherwise — is best for the individual.

Despite how community oriented Richardson is, the Delight & Decide stand served to be a real surprise to the neighborhood!

Unstoppable Voters and Avow team members in Richardson, TX, October 2023

Caroline on being an Unstoppable Voters Fellow

In order to think expansively about voter engagement in a state as oppressive and fascist as Texas, we have to break the mold and try creative tactics that aren’t typically funded or prioritized in voter mobilization work. I’m so excited about the Unstoppable Voters Fellowship because it will help me connect the dots between all of the energy, creativity, ideas, and power that already exist in Texas, and harness it for good.

– Caroline Duble, Political and Advocacy Director, Avow: Unapologetic Abortion Advocacy