Bring more creativity, innovation, and impact to helping Ohioans this election season

Learn more and apply to join our creative activism voting workshop this October.

Ohio has very important elections this year — and we know we need to turn out voters in record numbers for them. But we also know that with local, state, and federal governments that feel broken, and with so many competing focuses and needs, it can be hard to reach voters and get them to the polls. To inspire and mobilize these potential voters, we need to try new methods and use all of our creativity and innovation.

And so, the week of October 3rd the Center for Artistic Activism is coming to Columbus to bring the creativity and inspire yours. In partnership with OSU’s Council of Graduate Student Arts & Culture Committee, we’re offering a free dynamic workshop all about artistic activism, and how to use the powers of art and culture to connect with voters in this crucial election cycle and beyond.

Fill out the quick application below — and let’s dive in.

In Unstoppable Voters: Columbus you will

  • learn the fundamentals of artistic activism and how to apply them to pro-voter work
  • collaborate with other pro-voting advocates and groups to develop creative campaigns in support of Ohio voters
  • receive feedback, guidance, and support from C4AA and peers
  • leave with new, wildly creative, and highly strategic ways to achieve your pro-voter goals.

No previous experience required

You don’t need to be an “Artist.” You don’t need to be an “Activist.” You can be a seasoned advocate, new to this space, a professional creative, or someone who goes into a panic when they have to pick up a marker. No experience is required, beyond an openness to creativity and experimentation.

The details

The schedule for Unstoppable Voters: Columbus is as follows:

  • Part 1: an introductory kickoff online on Monday, October 3, from 12-2pm ET.
  • Part 2: after the introduction, participants will complete a few short exercises through the Æffect App to apply the lessons from the introductory session to their work.
  • Part 3: over in-person dinner on Friday, October 7 (6-8pm) and a workshop on Saturday, October 8 (10am-4pm — with breaks!), we’ll work together to start making wildly ambitious, strategic, imaginative projects to support Columbus voters. These in-person sessions will be held at OSU in the Raney Bolder Room.

The program is free to participants. Dinner, lunch, and workshop materials will be provided. Participants will be responsible for their own transportation and parking.

The program is a highly-structured, rigorous, and rewarding experience. Attendance at the full program is required.

All attendees will receive a FREE copy of The Art of Activism: Your All-Purpose Guide to Making the Impossible Possible, written by the Center for Artistic Activism’s co-founders. It’s highly encouraged that attendees read chapters 1, 2, and 6 before the workshop.

What is Unstoppable Voters?

Through the Center for Artistic Activism’s expansive Unstoppable Voters program, we support creatively risk-taking, strategic, ambitious organizations, people, and projects that address urgent and specific anti-voter attacks. We provide training and community building for individuals and groups who are passionate about protecting the freedom to vote and bringing the needed innovation to that fight. And we provide funding and support to help manifest that innovation and bring real, measurable impact. To date, we’ve helped over 80 organizations and over 550 individual activists, artists, and everyone in between make voting accessible, safe, joyful, powerful, and irresistible.

Unstoppable Voters at the Center for Artistic Activism

Apply to join Unstoppable Voters: Columbus

Fill out the brief application below by September 23 (deadline extended!). If you have any trouble with the application or questions, reach out to

This form is currently closed for submissions.

Learn more about our Unstoppable Voters program here.