We loved talking with the brilliant Douglas Rushkoff, one of the smartest and most curious thinkers about social change, technology, revolution, and culture. In this episode, Rushkoff — who is an Advisory Board Member of the Center — asks the best questions about how and why artistic activism works. We highly recommend his Team Human podcast!

Here’s what Douglas says about this month’s podcast episode:

I am true fan of The Center for Artistic Activism. I’m actually such a fan that I became a member of their board of advisors a few years ago, and try to support their work even a fraction of how much their work supports and inspires me.

The Center for Artistic Activism helps people use their creativity and culture to affect power. They’re a bit like an “artists without borders,” going to different places around the world where people need help finding or making their voices heard. Their work involves surprise, humor, as well as rigorous activist strategy to make incremental or even dramatic change where it has seemed utterly impossible before.

And, if you want more, you can also listen to this episode from 2016 when the C4AA’s Steve Lambert was on Douglas Rushkoff’s podcast. They discuss art, activism, dreams, and how creativity is essential to avoiding burn-out, and more.