Ishtar Lakhani

Ishtar Lakhani talking to a group

Ishtar Lakhani has been working as a feminist, activist and trouble-maker in the field of social justice advocacy for over 15 years. With a Masters degree in Anthropology, her career has ranged from coordinating a radical, feminist advocacy network for survivors of sexual violence (the 1 in 9 Campaign) to revolutionary sandwich making in her founding of Love and Revolution an activist bookstore, sandwich shop and community space to advocating for the rights of sex workers in South Africa as Advocacy and Human Rights Defense manager at the Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce.

Currently, Ishtar is a Free(lance) Radical who collaborates with a range of social justice organisations, movements and networks globally, providing support to strengthen their approaches to strategic human rights advocacy. Recently she was named in the BBC’s “Top 100 Women of 2020”. Her true passion lies in creative activism and the experimental melding of fantasy and reality, of art and activism, in an attempt to imagine and enact what a more just world might look like. 

Ishtar Lakhani is an alumi of Center for Artistic Activism trainings. She has gone on to train and develop actions with the Center in multiple campaigns.

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