Rebecca Bray and Steve Lambert were interviewed for the Nice Work! Podcast from the Super Nice Club.
Most of us want a safe, thoroughly tested vaccine for COVID-19, stat. But, what good is a vaccine if the people who need it most can’t afford it? NO GOOD is the correct answer.
Which is why the Super Nice Club is actively involved as part of the FREE THE VACCINE effort — over 300 artists, activists and researchers around the world who are advocating for and pressuring key stakeholders to ensure that the vaccine, when ready and safe, will be free at the point of delivery.
This week’s NICE WORK! podcast features Rebecca Bray and Steve Lambert. Together, they founded FREE THE VACCINE. Learn all about what we’re up to by tuning in to this week’s episode wherever you get your podcasts…
And just two episodes earlier, C4AA alumni, Prince Andrew Aradayfio was interviewed:
This is a great episode. Really inspiring to hear what passionate, intelligent humans can do when they leverage their interests to use advanced tools to make the world a nicer place.
In this episode, you’ll learn about ‘gamification’ and, specifically, how online gaming is being used right now to clean up the real world. We all know games can influence behavior, but do we know of the real potential for ‘making things 10% nicer’?