We can help!

We’re nearing 100 days from Election Day 2024, and if the past few days are any indication, the months ahead of us are sure to be just as weird and unknowable.

No matter what happens, we know we’re going to need a surge of energy to get people to vote. That means we need your creative ideas, compelling narratives, and artistic interventions to make the difference we know artistic activism always makes.

Something we teach in our trainings is that feelings – action = hopelessness. So if you’re feeling a lot of hope and want guidance on what to do with it, or you’re looking to feel more hope than you have, we’ve gathered together a number of ways to help you take action and make real change this year.

If you want training and project support

Check out Art for the Polls! Art for the Polls is our program to help artists utilize their unique skills to support voters this election year. Through the program, we offered a number of trainings that you can now watch here.

Watch our first Art for the Polls training

AND! We’re offering mentorship and project support for ideas that will help voters in New York or North Carolina. Apply by this Friday, July 26th!

Art for the Polls is a 501c3-friendly collaboration with People for the American Way Foundation, Cleveland VOTES, Common Cause NC, the Chinese-American Planning Council, and the NY League of Conservation Voters Education Fund.

If you want exercises and resources

Download our free Unleashing Unstoppable Voters toolkit. The toolkit has exercises, tools, case studies, and more to help you move forward throughout your civic engagement campaign process.

We break the creative campaign process into five comprehensive and easy-to-follow steps and guide you through each one. Use the toolkit front to back or look at a specific section when you need targeted help.

Also check out our new Spanish-language translation: Desencadenando Votantes Imparables.

Unleashing Unstoppable Voters: Creative Campaign Toolkit

If you want to talk

Every Friday, the Unstoppable Voters team hosts Creative Consulting Happy Hours. Have an event planned and need ideas for how to make it more successful? Trying something new and want feedback from people you can trust? Sign up for a free, 20-minute session and we’ll help you take your work to the next level.

And stay tuned for more!

In the coming weeks we’ll be sharing even more programs and resources to help you help voters this year. Sign up for our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss a thing.

What is Unstoppable Voters?

Through the Center for Artistic Activism’s expansive Unstoppable Voters program, we support creatively risk-taking, strategic, ambitious organizations, people, and projects that protect the freedom to vote in the U.S. We provide training and community building for individuals and groups who are passionate about protecting voting and bringing the needed innovation to that fight. We also provide funding and support to help manifest that innovation and bring real, measurable impact. To date, we’ve helped over 120 organizations and over 1200 individual activists, artists, and everyone in between make voting accessible, safe, joyful, powerful, and irresistible.