Why Artistic Activism?

Sometimes we’re asked, “what’s this artistic activism thing all about?” and “what’s the difference between artistic activism and regular activism?” or “why would I use artistic activism in my campaign?” As an answer, we offer this primer. Why Artistic Activism: Nine Reasons By Stephen Duncombe and Steve Lambert 1: Artistic Activism Mobilizes Affect and Effect …

Webinar #23: Easter Special

The unorthodox stories of the secret artistic activism history of prophets. Moses, Jesus and Mohammed were amazing activists and creative militants. They understood the fundamentals of using story and spectacle, signs and symbols as means to criticize the status quo and offer up an alternative vision.  Artists and activists have a lot to learn from …

Sheba Remy Kharbanda

“When I was doing grassroots work… around specific issues associated with trauma state violence sexual violence. I found that I wasn’t offering enough just documenting it. Witnessing is very important but then what do we do with all that pain, where do we take it? …many of us not from the “first world”, are coming …

Dara Greenwald

“You could go down to any commercial gallery and see political art. It has political content, it has a critique, opposition, maybe a submerged expression that was not readily validated by dominant culture. But activism is…is just different. I feel like there’s a real difference between making cultural projects that are intended to augment, heighten, …

Assessing the Impact of Artistic Activism – Report

After nearly a decade of interviews with artistic activism practitioners and over a year of reviewing academic literature and professional reports, the C4AA Æfficacy Project Research Team has released a substantial report: Assessing the Impact of Artistic Activism. Read and download the full report or a concise 4-page summary. Assessing the Impact of Artistic Activism …

Webinar #22: hilariOUCH

Steve and Steve get to hang out with Marlène Ramírez-Cancio, co-founder and co-director of Fulana, a Latina satire collective whose videos have been shown internationally at film festivals, museums, and universities, and whose members lead satire and parody workshops for emerging artists. Marlene talks about how satire can successfully be used to change the world through critical …

Webinar #21: Corruption Master Class

How do we win against corruption? We met Oluseun Onigbinde at our workshop in Guinea a few months ago. The workshop brought together artists from all over West Africa to learn creative activism strategies to combat corruption, the most significant problem facing West Africa today. Oluseun gave a fascinating presentation about how corruption works, and …

Webinar #20: The First Female President Of The USA

Margaret McCarthy has served as the First Female President of the United States for over a year, since January 2017, creating through performance an imaginative counter world in which the US is run by a female president. We’re honored to host Margaret on this webinar, where, being a fearless leader, she will talk about failure. What happens …